The Women's Well-being 40Plus Health Check allows companies to practically support their female employees.

It provides women over 40, approaching or experiencing Perimenopause, with a 45-minute comprehensive lifestyle evaluation by a certified local Menopause specialist, coupled with a 45-minute medical consultation with Dr. Jess Langtree-Marsh of the Women's Health Hub, Lido Medical.

ThisĀ isĀ the first time that medical and lifestyle consultations will be offered as part of a well-being package, allowing ladies to receive the help and support theyĀ need to navigate their way through the Menopause.

The consultations include:
  • 45-minute local GP medical assessment of health and lifestyle including BMI calculation and when necessary organise any relevant investigations
  • Perform smear test if not up to date
  • Blood test where applicable
  • Treatment plan for HRT and contraception
  • A personalisedĀ 45-minute health and well-being consultation reviewing nutrition, fitness, sleep and well-being (carried out online).

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